JA Outpatient Visits


Lead Author(s): 

Aimee O. Hersh, MD
Charles G. Helmick, MD, CDC Team

Supporting Author(s): 

Sylvia I. Watkins-Castillo, PhD

Emergency rooms saw 443,000 patients ages 1 day to 17 years with any diagnoses of SPARC in 2010. Among these patients, 5,400 had a primary diagnosis of JIA. Females and those ages 13 to 17 years were most likely to have juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Due to smaller sample sizes in the currently available databases for physician office visits and outpatient clinics, outpatient visits for a diagnosis of SPARC in the juvenile population are difficult to quantify. Physician visits for treatment of JA for the years 2008 to 2010 averaged just over 1 million per year. Evenly split between males and females, 60% of the visits were for children ages 13 to 17 years. Because of small sample sizes, the number of visits with a diagnosis of JIA was unreliable.

Outpatient clinics saw 282,500 patients, on a yearly average, for these same years. Patterns for distribution by sex and age reflected that of other treatment sites. However, a larger share of these patients (17%) had a diagnosis of JIA.

From these data, an estimated 1.8 million outpatient visits for any diagnoses of SPARC occurred in those 1 day to 17 years of age in 2010. (Reference Table 4.16 PDF CSV)
Outpatient Visits for Significant Pediatric Arthritis and Other Rheumatologic Conditions (SPARC) Among Juveniles Age 17 & Under, by Sex and Age, United States 2010


  • 2014

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